Wednesday, July 31, 2019

MSS - Matthew 14

Don't make hasty vows, let your yes be yes and your no be no.  Yeshua makes this point in The Sermon on the Mount, and here we see a tragic example of why when John the Baptist is beheaded.

We also see the feeding of the 5,000 and Yeshua walking on water.  How awesome is it to know that Yeshua's miracles weren't just miracles for the sake of miracles, but that they had significant purpose behind them.  We reference a previous message on the 5,000, that's posted below.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

MSS - Matthew 13b The Wheat and the Tares

We continue today with our study of Matthew 13, which appears to be a collection of Yeshua's parables about parables.  Parables within parables.  Parable inception!

Today's study begins with Psalm 73 and also spends some time in Psalm 78.  I encourage everyone to take some time to work through these Psalms and see how they relate to today's study, and also how they relate to our lives today.

Also, consider what your treasure is, and what you will pay to achieve that treasure.

Monday, July 29, 2019

MSS - Matthew 13 - The Parable of the Sower

We are used to an hour to an hour and a half study every morning at home, but putting that into a video to watch may be a bit too long.  Our goal this morning was to limit the video to a single half hour - it went a little longer but I think it'll be fine.  Still thinking about the audio, not sure yet how to address that but will continue to work on things. 

The important part, of course, is the actual message.  We ended up asking and answering the question:  "Why do they have eyes and not see, and ears and not hear?"  A few other tidbits thrown in there as well and I felt we had a real good study.   Enjoy!

MSS - Matthew 12

The audio quality needs work but we can still follow along.  We really enjoyed this morning's study, hope you guys do also.

MSS - Matthew 11

With some family going out of state for an indefinite amount of time, we decided to start recording our Morning Scripture Study so that they can keep up with our normal routine.  We'll likely play with the format to adjust to making these daily studies into videos, so expect to see changes until we find a happy routine.  We'll begin by posting our Matthew study where we are now at chapter 11.  We'll hopefully pick up the Prophets study soon.